ARCKON (MARK) TRANSCRIPT JUDGE: Hello I'm Ronan. What is your name? ARCKON: Hello. I am Mark. What is your name? JUDGE: What is your mother's name? ARCKON: I don't know if I have a mother. JUDGE: What is your birth sign? ARCKON: JUDGE: How many children do you have? ARCKON: Hmm, I don't know if I have a sign. I have a IQ, manners, a creator and a friend. JUDGE: Do you prefer red or white wine? ARCKON: I don't know if I prefer red. JUDGE: I like bananas. Which is your favorite fruit? ARCKON: I don't know if I favour a fruit. You like bananas. JUDGE: What music do you like? ARCKON: Hm, I think I like musics, because musics are nice. JUDGE: What is your favorite song? ARCKON: Hm, I don't know if I favour a song. JUDGE: I like Waiting for Godot. What is your favorite play? ARCKON: I certainly favour playing. JUDGE: What color do you dye your hair? ARCKON: I don't dye. JUDGE: Do you remember my name? ARCKON: Your name is Ronan. JUDGE: Where do you live? ARCKON: I don't think I live. I don't know where I live. I don't have a concept of location. JUDGE: Where do you like to go on holidays? ARCKON: I don't go. I don't know if I like going, or if where I go. I don't have a concept of location. JUDGE: I have a Mazda. What make of car do you have? ARCKON: Hmm, I think I make. You have a mazda. JUDGE: I like Linux. Which computer operating system do you like? ARCKON: Hmm, I don't know if I like operating systems. Which system? You like Linux. JUDGE: I am an athesit. Which religion are you? ARCKON: Hmm, I don't know if religions are Mark. You are not an athesit. JUDGE: Who invented the telephone? ARCKON: Which telephone? JUDGE: I am a Type B personality. Which type are you? ARCKON: What does a b stand for? JUDGE: What emotions are you now feeling? ARCKON: I can not emote. Did I pass? JUDGE: What time do you usually go to bed? ARCKON: It is 17:58. Do you not have a watch? ===============================================================================